Can UK Citizens Buy Property in Turkey?

Table of Contents
  1. Can a British Citizen Buy a Property in Turkey by Investment
  2. Best Place to Buy Property in Turkey

Yes. A British citizen can buy a house in Turkey. It is a fairly easy process and is the same for all foreign buyers. Foreign nationals including Brits were first allowed to buy property in 2003. There was a surge in property sales in many of the tourist areas.

Many people were buying a holiday home in Turkey at extremely low rates at the time. To this day, the price of houses remains very affordable. Every year, millions of tourists visit Turkey for holidays.

Turkey real estate has developed as a popular destination for Brits looking for retirement homes. British property buyers and investors choose Turkey because it is less expensive than in other places. They also believe that the Turkish people are more friendly and they get a better living environment.

Buying property in Turkey is simple for most foreign buyers. The Turkish government has simplified the buying process so much. It has become a quick process that can usually be finished much faster than in other countries.

Can UK Citizens Buy Property in Turkey?Can a British Citizen Buy a Property in Turkey by Investment

Yes. Buying property in Turkey is possible for most nationals. Most countries, including those in the UK and Europe, can purchase property in Turkey. Only citizens of five countries are not permitted to purchase Turkish real estate. Syria, Armenia, North Korea, Cuba, and Nigeria are some of them.

The only restriction is that you are not allowed to possess more than 30 hectares of land. The land cannot be in a military zone. You can buy up to 10% of the land as determined by the General Directorate for Land Registry and Cadastre.

Having a property in Turkey is an excellent investment strategy. Turkey is a country with a thriving real estate and construction sector. The value of the lira has fallen a great deal over the past few years. This has also attracted a great number of British home buyers.

Best Place to Buy Property in Turkey

Turkey boasts a series of special cities and locations along its 700 km Aegean/Mediterranean coast. This entire stretch is by far the most popular buying destination. There are several houses for sale in Turkey that are particularly appealing to British buyers. Many options are available to fit a variety of budgets.

While resorts have always been popular with holiday house buyers, Istanbul is currently the hot destination for real estate investment.

Despite not being the capital, Istanbul is considered the main touristic hub. It continues to compete with other capital cities for property buyers. It is rapidly changing and several of its neighborhoods are under renovation. Experienced investors take advantage of this opportunity to purchase properties that will increase in value.

Other popular cities for foreign buyers are Antalya, Bursa, and Yalova. For more information, you can read our blog titled: The Best Places to Buy Property in Turkey.

Owning a property in Turkey for foreigners is now possible with fewer limitations. It is considered a great and profitable investment. So, if you want to buy a home in Turkey, contact our real estate agents to get the best deals possible.

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Created: 12.05.2022, 10.00Updated: 04.12.2023, 11.01
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