Turkey Revealed Coronavirus Normalization Plan

Table of Contents
  1. Turkey’s 4-Stage Normalization Plan
  2. Phase 1: 11th - 26th May 2020
  3. Phase 2: 27th May - 31st August 2020
  4. Phase 3: 1st September - 31st December 2020
  5. Phase 4: 1st January 2021 – ...
  6. Turkish Airlines Plans to Resume Limited Flights in June
  7. Related News...

Turkey has initiated the normalization process following the statement of the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, saying, "We aim to transition to normal after Ramadan". Turkey will gradually return to normal life, it will be "a new normal". In the normalization process, the 4-stage road map is planned.

Turkey’s 4-Stage Normalization Plan

Turkey’s 4-Stage Normalization Plan

Phase 1: 11th - 26th May 2020

Easing coronavirus containment measures have been started by lifting intercity travel restrictions in seven provinces (Antalya, Mersin, Muğla, Aydın, Erzurum, Hatay ve Malatya).

For the first time in weeks, senior citizens, children, and teens are allowed to go out in the time allocated to them, although just for one day. As of May 11, some businesses such as hairdressers, barbershops, and beauty salons opened their doors, and malls are also allowed to be opened with specific measures.

Phase 2: 27th May - 31st August 2020

The transition to Phase 2 is planned with the Eid al-Fitr, the Feast of Ramadan. At this stage, curfew restrictions are planned to be lifted and flights will start gradually.

June 2020: In the event that the data continues positively, it is aimed to remove the curfew for people over 65 years old completely in June and to end the general curfews applied at the weekend. In this period, hotels, resorts, cafes, and restaurants will start to serve in accordance with the rules determined and with certain limitations. For tourism services to start, certification work will be examined. It is also foreseen the opening of libraries and the start of sportive competitions.

July 2020: Activities such as cinema and open-air theatre are planned to start with some restrictions and mask obligations.

Phase 3: 1st September - 31st December 2020

This will be the phase for the start of all flight services if everything goes well till then. The schools are planned to be opened by the 1st of September. Activities such as concerts and wedding ceremonies in indoor areas are also expected to start in this period.

Phase 4: 1st January 2021 – ...

It is expected to get back to normal totally with this stage and it is considered that the vaccine for Covid-19 will be developed at the latest in Phase 4.

It will be necessary that precautions such as mask use and keeping the social distance will be applied meticulously throughout this process.

Turkish Airlines Plans to Resume Limited Flights in June

Another question most commonly asked about the normalization plan is "When will the flights start?". Regarding what the travel restrictions will be, the plans of Turkish Airlines are clearer now.

Turkish Airlines, the airline flying to most countries in the world, had stopped international and domestic flights at the end of March due to the COVID- 19 pandemic. Now, they have prepared 3 months plans.

According to the plan, domestic flights will resume in June and reintroduce international flights gradually. The airline is expected to resume international flights to 23 cities (19 countries) in June and gradually add destinations through July and August.

60% of the international flights are planned to start at the first stage. The countries that flights will resume to in June are Canada-Toronto, Kazakhstan-Almaty, Afghanistan-Kabil, Japan-Tokio, China-Shanghai, South Korea-Seul, Singapore, Denmark-Copenhagen, Sweden-Stockholm, Germany- Frankfurt, Berlin, Dusseldorf, Norway-Oslo, Austria-Vienna, the Netherlands-Amsterdam, Belgium-Brussels, Belarus-Minsk, Israel-Tel-Aviv, Kuwait, Georgia-Tbilisi, and Lebanon-Beirut.

Turkish Airlines Plans to Resume Limited Flights in JuneTurkish Airlines Plans to Resume Limited Flights in June

It is planned to fly to 74 countries and 103 destinations in July and 98 countries to 160 destinations in August, thus, to increase the flights gradually in three months.

There are additional precautions regarding the travel, such as issuing a travel card to the passengers on international flights and writing down the information like the destination, place and period of stay, etc. Also, private health insurance will be mandatory for foreign passengers, and body temperature will be measured by thermal cameras for everyone entering the terminal.

While our offices are closed during the entire Covid-19 process, we continue to provide services with our entire team from our homes, via telephone and online channels. We also conduct viewing tours via our TeleProperty service or by obeying travel rules whenever possible.With the normalization plan, our offices will be opened on June 15, 2020, at full capacity.

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Created: 19.05.2020, 00.00Updated: 04.12.2023, 11.01
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