The Covid-19 Vaccine is Ready with the Contribution of Turkish Scientists in Germany

Prof. Uğur Şahin, co-founder and CEO, and Dr. Özlem Türeci, Chief Medical Officer of BioNTechPfizer and BioNTech announced on Monday, November 9, that they made significant progress in developing vaccines against COVID-19. According to early results from ongoing phase 3 trials, the vaccine was more than 90% effective in preventing COVID-19 in participants. This news has also attracted attention in Turkish media because of the Turkish scientists Prof. Uğur Şahin, co-founder and CEO, and Dr. Özlem Türeci, Chief Medical Officer of BioNTech.

More Than 90% Effective Against COVID-19

The Covid-19 Vaccine is ready with the Contribution of Turkish Scientists in GermanyThe first cases of COVID-19 were reported by officials in Wuhan City, China, in December 2019, and then it spreads worldwide. Since that time, the pandemic has affected more than 49 million people. All pharmaceutical companies have gone in search of a vaccine with the mission of freeing humankind from this disease, and finally one of them came out with good news.

Germany-based BioNTech and its US-based partner Pfizer released to the public on Monday, November 9, 2020, that the first results from ongoing trials showed that their vaccine was 90% effective in preventing COVID-19 infections. These companies became the closest candidate so far about a vaccine that shows positive results in the critical stage of testing. The company states that if the competent authorities approve it, the vaccine could be available for use by the end of the year.

Turkish Scientists Became a Symbol of Hope

This good news has a great impact on the public and gives hope to everyone, and the world starts to wonder about the doctors who made an innovation that could save millions of lives. Turkish people are proud of Prof. Uğur Şahin, Dr. Özlem Türeci, the founders of the BioNTech company. They have been working on the mRNA technology for about 25 years that they use in the development of the coronavirus vaccine.

A Great Day for Humanity

BionTechProf. Uğur Şahin states about the vaccine that "The first interim analysis of our global Phase 3 study provides evidence that a vaccine may effectively prevent COVID-19. This is a victory for innovation, science, and a global collaborative effort. When we embarked on this journey 10 months ago this is what we aspired to achieve. Especially today, while we are all in the midst of a second wave and many of us in lockdown, we appreciate even more how important this milestone is on our path towards ending this pandemic and for all of us to regain a sense of normality. We will continue to collect further data as the trial continues to enroll for a final analysis planned when a total of 164 confirmed COVID-19 cases have accrued. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to making this important achievement possible."

Also, Dr. Albert Bourla, Pfizer Chairman and CEO, adds that "Today is a great day for science and humanity. The first set of results from our Phase 3 COVID-19 vaccine trial provides the initial evidence of our vaccine’s ability to prevent COVID-19."

If the Covid-19 vaccine is found, intellectual property rights will belong to BioNTech. However, some concessions will be given to Pfizer as part of the partnership.

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Created: 11.11.2020, 00.00Updated: 10.02.2025, 13.41
Monica Strandgren
02.10.2023, 17.41
Dessa två turkar bör väl få nobelpriset. Nu blev det en från ungern och en tysk.?!
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