A New Regulation: Energy Performance Certificate Requirement

The Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) became mandatory for all purchase, sale, and rental of buildings and structures as of the date of 01 January 2020.

EPC is a document that includes information on the minimum energy requirement and the energy classification, insulation properties, and efficiency of heating and/or cooling systems of a building. The aim of the EPC is to use energy and energy resources effectively and efficiently in buildings, to prevent the waste of energy, and to protect the environment.

The Obligation of Energy Performance Certificate When Buying Property in Turkey

In accordance with the Energy Efficiency Law No. 5627 and the Regulations on Energy Performance in Buildings issued accordingly, the buildings that have gotten a building permit before 01 January 2011 are “existing buildings”; after the date, those that have gotten the permits are considered as “new buildings”. When new buildings are requested to submit the EPC to obtain the occupancy permit, a 10-year period is allowed to regulate the EPC for existing buildings or the buildings that did not obtain the permit before 01 January 2011.

A New Regulation: The Energy Identity Certificate

As of 1 January 2020, a new regulation is announced to the public by the Land Registry and Cadastre Directorate to prevent the accumulation in the land registry offices. According to the regulation, in purchase, sale, and lease agreement transactions regarding immovable properties and independent sections in which buildings and structures are situated, it is considered valid for carrying out a transaction when it is written in the relevant place of the application document as following; when a building or an independent section owns the EPC during an application; “There is the Energy Performance Certificate. It has been given to me.” or in case of declaration of absence of EPC; “ I/We accept the sale/annotation of lease agreement transaction without having the Energy Performance Certificate.” However, there is no description available about by which date the regulation is valid by the Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre and by which date that legal practice of having the EPC for all purchase, sale, and rental of buildings and structures in the Regulations on Energy Performance in Buildings has been mandatory.

Where and how to obtain the Energy Performance Certificate when buying a property in Turkey? Who is authorized to issue the certificate? You can reach the answers to all questions in the following of the news.

Who is Authorized to Issue the EPC?

For new buildings, Real persons or Legal persons, who possess the personnel who have successfully completed the training, given by the relevant professional chamber affiliated to TMMOB, for preparing the Energy Performance Certificate and the Certificate of Independent Consultancy and Engineering (SMM) Services on behalf, are authorized institutions to issue the EPC.View the Companies authorized to provide the EPC, legal persons, and individual experts.

For existing buildings, the energy efficiency consultancy companies that possess EPC expert staff and are authorized in the category of building within the scope of Law No. 5627 are authorized to issue the EPC. View the Energy Efficiency Consultancy Companies (EVD)

Which Documents are Required for EPC?

• Architectural Project
• Heat Insulation Project
• Electricity Project
• Mechanical Installation Project (Heating, Refrigeration, Ventilation)

Buildings and Structures Without Obligation to Obtain the EPC

A New Regulation: The Energy Identity Certificate• Buildings outside the adjacent area with a total construction area of less than 1000 m²,
• Buildings with a total usable area of less than 50 m²,
• Greenhouses and workplaces,
• Buildings carrying out production activities in industrial areas,
• Buildings with a planned usage period of fewer than 2 years,
• Individual buildings, such as sheep pens, barns, warehouses, ammunition stores, and storage, which do not need to be heated or cooled,
• The Turkish Armed Forces, The Ministry of National Defense, and its affiliated institutions, the Undersecretariat of The National Intelligence Organization are excluded from the scope of buildings and structures that will obtain the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC).

Validity Period and Classification of EPC

The EPC has a validity period of 10 years from the date of issue.

The EPC consists of 7 categories. In the document that is classified from A to G, Class A indicates the most efficient level; Class G indicates the lowest efficient level. New buildings must have the lowest C class in the EPC.

More Information About Buying Property in Turkey

Buying Property in Turkey: The Turkish government has simplified the buying process for foreigners as much as possible. We wrote to you about the process of buying a property in Turkey.

Property Purchasing in Turkey: To foreigners, the property buying process in Turkey may seem difficult, but when you choose to invest in Turkish real estate with Antalya Homes, the process will be smooth and easy. Read the detailed information about the steps to buy a property.

Expenses When Buying Property in Turkey: Unlike other countries, expenses are low when buying a property in Turkey, and foreigners will be happy at how much money they can keep in their pocket.

Real Estate Valuation | Project Valuation with Feasibility Report in Turkey: We wrote about the appraisal (valuation) report that is compulsory for foreign property sales.

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Created: 01.01.2020, 00.00Updated: 10.02.2025, 13.44
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