Tips for Selling Your House in Turkey

Table of Contents
  1. How to Sell Your House Quickly
  2. Tip Three: Make Sure the Pricing is Appropriate

Selling your property is tough and requires knowledge but here are some tips to sell quickly your property at the best price; working with a professional real estate agency, advertising, appropriate pricing, and finding the perfect buyer. Keep reading to learn how to do it!

Selling your property quickly at the best price is only possible if you find the perfect buyer for it. This is what makes advertising so important. Your advertisement should be able to reach out to the people who need a similar property to yours. We strongly advise you to work with a professional real estate company for this.

Tips for Selling your house in TurkeyThe Role of Advertising in the Property Sales

Advertising allows your house to be seen by lots of people who might think of it as their dream house. Advertising your house to the right audience and increasing your house’s visibility requires experience in the real estate market and the right tools for advertising. Statistics indicate that buyers view professional advertisements 200% more than individual ones.

As the leading real estate agency in Turkey, we have the necessary knowledge, experience, and the right tools for advertising to sell your property. You can be sure that you will be able to sell your property at the best price when you entrust us with your property’s advertisement and sales.

We need your cooperation as well to sell your property at the best price. There are some things you should take into account before we publish an advertisement for your property.

First of all, attempt to sell your existing home before your target move date. It can be financially difficult to keep up payments on two houses at the same time. Allowing an extended time for selling your house, gives ample opportunity for the perfect buyer to find you.

Secondly, your property must be dept-free at the time of selling to get the land registry office to allow the transaction. You can check out our guide for house selling tips to learn more about the legal procedures, necessary documents, and everything else related.

Thirdly, your property must have its best look in the advertisement so it can charm people into buying. Little details make all the difference!

How to Sell Your House Quickly

Tips for Selling your house in TurkeyTip One: Make Sure Your House’s Charm is Shown

The very first rule to selling a property is making the property's charm be seen by the potential buyers. Potential buyers will be able to concentrate on the positive aspects of the house if they are not distracted by how messy it is.

You can make your home feel fresh by simply cleaning the windows, a little thing like this can make all the difference. Sparkling clean windows allow light inside, and they make a house appear newer. Your buyers will notice how clean and welcoming the house looks.

Be sure your property is properly lit before having buyers look at it. Well-lit rooms look larger and spotlight your honesty as a seller. It doesn't look like you are hiding something. You can perhaps increase the value of your home and the offers you get!

Finish an unused room in your house to instantly add value. Finishing a basement can be done for a very low amount of money, and will allow you to advertise that your home has a media room. Buyers will be more likely to purchase your home because of the added appeal.

Take the time to clean your counter and appliances. Sweep the floors, vacuum the carpet, and clean the bathroom well. Make sure your children keep their toys put away. Look around and pick up any dirty clothes. Make sure any laundry is either put away or in a hamper.

To spotlight a house for sale, open the curtains. People browsing the home will be able to see just how well natural light can illuminate the home. Raise the blinds in all the rooms and pull back the curtains. In nice weather, open the windows. Fresh air can help your home seem more appealing to buyers.

Focus on making good use of what already exists to increase your profits. You can read our How To Help Sell Your House By Staging article for detailed information on this subject.

Tip Two: Don’t Hesitate to Add Some Extras If Possible

Increase your chances to sell your home by including extras. Similar to offers that throw in a free major appliance with a new home, these offers can really do the trick. Offering something like this will give prospective buyers a little extra encouragement. Focus on what buyers want out there. If you can add something of value to the overall package, you should have no trouble selling. Doing this will make it much easier to successfully sell your property.

Tip Three: Make Sure the Pricing is Appropriate

Tips for Selling your house in TurkeyPricing should be appropriate for a property to be sold quickly. Professional real estate agencies analyze the property’s condition, location, and the state of the real estate market and determine the sales value of the property.

If your property’s sales price is over the average market price you might have a hard time finding a buyer for your property. Putting your property on sale with appropriate pricing allows you to sell your property quickly and protects your benefits as the seller. This is especially true in the case of property sales by foreigners.

The language barrier can be really troublesome when making a real estate investment in a foreign country. The Turkish Government has made appraisal reports compulsory on foreign property sales as of February 2019 to overcome this situation.

As the leading real estate company in Turkey, we help you to get accurate valuation reports from authorized and licensed appraisers to protect your benefits.

Working with a professional real estate agency not only allows you to sell your property more quickly but also saves you from the time-consuming customer-finding process and legal procedures. Closing a transaction as a seller is easier and more rewarding if you work with an expert real estate company.

As you've read, selling a property can be challenging, particularly when the real estate market isn't great in Turkey. There are lots of factors and tasks involved in the process of selling a house in Turkey. Hopefully, this article gave you some much-needed perspective on the process of selling your home.

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Created: 04.02.2022, 10.00Updated: 27.06.2024, 12.55
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