You Can Buy a Property With Crypto Currency With Just One Click

Table of Contents
  1. An Important Move In The Field Of PropTech
  2. Real Estate Purchase and Sales with Crypto Money Increases

Buy a Property by Crypto Currency with Just One ClickAntalya Homes, Turkey's leading brand in the sale of real estate to international investors, joined forces with Utrust, the world's leading cryptocurrency payment solutions platform. In this way, Antalya Homes paved the way for more than 50 million digital currency users worldwide to buy real estate securely with crypto money including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, with the convenience of credit cards, without being affected by fluctuating exchange rates.

As in the world, in Turkey also it is possible to buy or sell property with cryptocurrencies. However, the problem of trust and the volatile currency rate is the biggest obstacle to the growth of the transaction volume. Antalya Homes, the leading brand of Tekce Overseas the leading real estate company in Turkey, in overseas real estate sales, went to join forces with Utrust, Europe's leading payment solutions platform to remove these obstacles.

Thanks to this strong collaboration, real estate trading is offered reliably in all digital currencies, including Bitcoin, and enables its customers to make payments both without getting stuck in the daily cryptocurrency exchange limit and without being affected by fluctuating cryptocurrency exchange rates. With this method, the users can also make money transfer with just the ease of scanning a QR code.

An Important Move In The Field Of PropTech

Reminding that there is an overseas real estate investment worth $ 400 billion in the world, Bayram Tekçe, the Chairman of Tekce Overseas Real Estate Inc. stated that last year Turkey made 6 billion USD income in the sales of 45 thousand real estates to international investors. Mr. Tekçe emphasized that Turkey should give more importance to PropTech applications in order to get more shares from this market and underlined that they are working on breaking new ground.

Reminding that they have made possible the payment with crypto money in the real estate sector since 2018, Tekçe also stated that international investors, especially who make their real estate investment remotely with the restriction of travel during the pandemic, prefer to pay with crypto money. He continued his speech as follows:

You Can Buy a Property by Crypto Currency with Just One Click

“It is important to keep up with changing dynamics. We reflect our innovative power to the light of our business, and we continue to lead the sector in the field of PropTech. Our collaboration with Utrust is also a step towards this goal."

Real Estate Purchase and Sales with Crypto Money Increases

Mr. Tekçe stated that countries who had issues with money transfers such as Russia, China, and Iran have more international property investment desires and there are more and more people from these countries are investing in Turkey and followed:

“Recently, we see that the real estate investors from these countries prefer to make investments with crypto money. In addition, the Bitcoin halving in May increased the demand for real estate purchases with Bitcoin in countries with intensive use of technology such as America and European countries. We collaborate with Utrust to join our forces in PropTech and FinTech to offer trustable trading.”

Utrust CEO Sanja Kon made the following statements on the subject:

“We are striving for full mainstream adoption of digital currencies across all markets. Real estate is one of the most welcoming of all. The potential is enormous. We couldn’t be more pleased to enter the Turkish market with such a strong and dynamic partner.”

About Utrust:
Utrust is the leading cryptocurrency payment solution to modernize the finance and payment industry and to find a solution to traditional payment methods by offering instant transactions, receiving sources, and instant cryptocurrency to cash. In a sense, Utrust provides a POS service for payments with crypto money.

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Created: 19.09.2020, 00.00Updated: 12.12.2022, 21.06
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