A Turkish Tradition of Trading: Negotiation

Table of Contents
  1. Negotiation in Real Estate Buying Process
  2. Our Way of Negotiation

A Turkish Tradition of Trading: Negotiation

The term negotiation can be defined as the process of discussion between people who are trying to reach an agreement. There is a proverb in Turkey; "Pazarlık sünnettir" which we can translate as "negotiation is customs". This gives you a right to demand a favor on price. We have another proverb; "İsteyenin bir yüzü, vermeyenin iki yüzü kara." which we can translate as "It is a half shame for the one who demands, it is a full shame for the one who rejects." Therefore, even a small or big scale business, it is a very common customs of Turkish people.

Contrary to popular belief, negotiation is not only about reducing the sales price of a product, but also it is a combination of getting a fair price, reasonable delivery time, acceptable warranty conditions, and clarifying the terms of the agreement.

Negotiation should be considered as a dialogue process from the first touch between the parties to the final agreement signatures. As in any other communication process, there are a number of codes of conduct and points to take into consideration while negotiating.

The manner in which the negotiation is carried out is directly related to the results of the discussions. Hence, it is important to use positive statements and having a considerate attitude towards the other party. Gentle requests always work better while negotiating.

Listening to the other party carefully means you respect them and this brings you positive results at the end of the process.

Besides its psychological aspect, negotiation is also an analytical fact. Therefore, you should have information about the market realities and the product itself before you launch into a negotiation.

Negotiation in Real Estate Buying Process

Negotiation in Real Estate Buying Process

When it comes to negotiation in property purchasing, you should do detailed research about the real estate market of the target area.

First of all, you should have a definite idea about what you are negotiating on. You should know the compound facilities of the target property, surrounding amenities, and how much they will contribute to your everyday life. To know about the average prices of similar properties in the area will give you an idea about how much discount you can expect during the negotiation. In this way, you will not offer too low amounts to the seller which can be perceived as disrespect.

As we mentioned before, getting a fair and reasonable price is only one part of the whole negotiation process. There are many other things to be clarified. These are:

• The dates of the payment should be discussed and stated clearly before the contract signing stage.

• Another important thing is to specify what will be included in the price. If there are necessary changes to be done in the property before or after the deed transfer, these should be discussed and stated clearly.

• Deed and key delivery is another important point that has to be determined.

• If you are buying in a foreign country, you should clarify the currency in which the money will be paid.

Our Way of Negotiation

Our Way of Negotiation

We help our clients for negotiation like other stages of our service. Our aim for negotiations is to finalize the process with a positive result for both parties. See all the services we provide.

To prevent possible inconveniences, we highly recommend that our clients do not enter into a negotiation during the viewing tours. Our principle for negotiation is to make it face-to-face and transparent between the buyer and the seller. We invite the property owner to our office for a meeting and we bring them together with the buyer.

With our experienced agents’ guidance, we start clarifying the contract conditions while having a cup of coffee together.

After all the terms of the contract (price, payment plan, currency, dates of delivery, delivery conditions) are clearly stated, we write all the details in a sample contract for a double check by the parties of the agreement. Our contracts are written in seller’s and buyer’s first or preferred languages. When both the buyer and the seller confirm the terms, we print the contracts again on our actual contract papers with the Antalya Homes logo, and the signatures are taken. Antalya Homes' agents act as a referee between buyer and seller. If there is an excessive demand for any party, we advise how it should be according to Turkish trade customs. This is the basic principle of our "Zero Failure" success.

We prefer that negotiation take place in our office, in a positive manner and environment after our clients choose their aim property. We have cameras in all rooms of our offices, recording everything discussed during the negotiation. This is very helpful for both parties to keep the record straight in case of a dispute.

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Created: 29.05.2020, 10.22Updated: 19.10.2021, 14.49
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